Entrance Examinations




  • Place of Exam – A room or open space without the interference of others. Nobody is permitted to come near when you are doing your exam. So it should be away from places where family members or friends often walk or sit.
  •  Your table should have only 2-3 blank papers and a pen. No calculators are permitted. No books permitted. No other devices permitted
  • Devices Needed – 2 devices
  •  It can be two smartphones or one computer and a smartphone.
  • One device is to do the entrance exam and the second one for invigilation
  • We will be connected via Google meet and there will be nearly 20 teachers in the group to invigilate you
  • The candidates should be signed in to the google meet before 15 minutes.
  • The invigilation device(Mobile) should be placed in a position such a way that we can see both your exam device and you.
  • The video and audio should always be on and should not be disconnected

During Examinations

  • You have to answer objective type questions of different difficulty level which you have to finish within specified minutes. After the time period, the quiz will be auto closed
  • There will not be any back button but you are free to skip any question
  • There will not be any negative marks  
  • There is only one attempt possible
  • Malpractices done during the examinations are not entertained. If found, the applicant will be disqualified.