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Webinar 002

Science of Accounting – Albertian Knowledge Webinar Series 2020

Albertian Centre for Human Resource Development and Research, St. Albert’s College Autonomous is organising Albertian Knowledge Webinar Series 2020 (AKWS2020)

02nd Webinar on Science of Accounting by Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Former Reader and Head, Department of Commerce and Research Centre, St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Kochi on Saturday 18th April 2020 from 03.15 p.m. to 04.30 p.m. For more information contact Sri. Shine Antony +91-9895403578 | hrdr@alberts.edu.in, Director, Albertian Centre for Human Resource Development and Research and Assistant Professor, St. Albert’s College (Autonomous) #albertianknowldgewebinarseries #akws2020 #stayhome #staysafe

About Dr. Rajagopala Nair
Dr. Rajagopala Nair, M B A, M. Com, LLB, Ph.D, former Reader & Head, Department of Commerce and Research Centre of St. Albert’s College (Autonomous) and served St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam for 33 years (1980-2013) and also as Director of Albertian Institute of Management (AIM), Kochi ( 2013-17). He is specialized in Finance and Marketing. Dr. Rajagopala Nair is a Gold medalist and First Rank holder for M. Com from the University of Calicut in 1980. He completed his Ph.D. from the University of Kerala in 1995.

Dr. Rajagopala Nair had authored text Book on ‘Marketing and Sales Promotion’ and ‘Marketing Management’. He is recognized research guide of Mahatma Gandhi University and 12 Ph.Ds have been awarded so far. He had published 34 Research Articles and presented 36 Research Papers in National and International Seminars. He had successfully organized 13 National Seminars and is a career consultant for commerce and management students. Dr. Rajagopala Nair is a recipient of “Sai Samanvaya award” for his outstanding contribution in the field of education. He was awarded the Certificate of Honour by the St. Albert’s College of Alumni Association on producing 10 Ph. Ds in Commerce from Mahatma Gandhi University. He is also a recipient of Certificate of Appreciation from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants for being CIMA Advocate. He is a member of Indian Accounting Association and Kerala Commerce Association and received the Fellowship of the International Association of Accounting Professionals (IAAP), UK. He is a resource person at the Academic Staff Colleges and SCERT.