Phytochrome Controlled Plant Physiological Functions
Albertian Centre for Human Resource Development and Research, St. Albert’s College Autonomous is organising Albertian Knowledge Webinar Series 2020 (AKWS2020)
16th Webinar of the series is on Phytochrome Controlled Plant Physiological Functions, Prof Jos T Puthur, Professor, Department of Botany Calicut University, Kerala Wednesday 29th April 2020 from 3 pm to 4 pm For more information contact Prof. Shine Antony +91-9895403578 | | Director, Albertian Centre for Human Resource Development & Research and Assistant Professor, St. Albert’s College (Autonomous) #albertianknowldgewebinarseries #akws2020 #stayhome #staysafe
About Jos T Puthur
Prof Jos T Puthur serves as the Director, Central Sophisticated Instrumentation Facility (Addl. Charge), University of Calicut and the Professor, Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala. He completed his PhD (Biosciences) from Jamia Millia Islamia Central University and completed two Post Doctoral from Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Institut für Molekulare Physiologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen (IMBIO), University of Bonn, Germany. His current research interests are in Osmoregulation, Biochemical and Molecular Responses of Plants to Abiotic Environmental Stresses. And Alteration in Photosynthetic Process of plants subjected to Abiotic Environmental Stresses.
He had served as the course coordinator of GIAN (Global Initiative for Academic Networking) programme of MHRD, Govt. of India held in University of Calicut, Kerala, April 01-05, 2019. He was the faculty member of the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) of Consortium for Educational Communication (CEC), MHRD, Govt. of India. In 2012 he was elected as visiting scientist under INSA-DFG programme of International Scientific Collaboration and Exchange of Scientists for 3 months visit to Institut für Molekulare Physiologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen (IMBIO), University of Bonn, Germany. In 2010 he was the Project Coordinator of science popularization programme of KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala. Prof. Jos T Puthur was awarded TWAS Research Grant under the category; award for high-level and promising scientific research projects carried out by individual scientists in developing countries in 2008. He was awarded BOYSCAST Fellowship of DST, Govt. of India, UGC Fellowship under Indo-Hungarian Educational Exchange programme, TWAS-UNESCO associateship at centres of Excellence in South (CEFOBI, Rosario, Argentina), Fast Track Young Scientist Project (a grant of Indian Rs. 12 lakhs), by Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. In 2000 he got Research Associateship from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Human Resource Development Ministry, Government of India and In 1998 he participated in the XI International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, held at Budapest, Hungary as member of Indian scientific delegation.
Prof Jos T Puthurs professional affiliations in National & International levels include International Society for Photosynthesis Research (ISPR), Federation of European Societies of Plant Biologists (FESPB), Indian Society for Plantation Crops (ISPC), Indian Society for Plant Physiology, IARI, Pusa, N. Delhi, Society for Biochemistry and Biotechnology, IARI, Pusa, N. Delhi, Indian Botanical Society, Lucknow, U.P, India, Gregor Mendel Foundation, University of Calicut, Kerala, India. Participated in 7 and presented 18 paper in International Seminars and 38 paper presentation in National Level. He had been to 17 Invited Lectures/Chairing in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops. He has 81 paper publications and a book in his credit. 9 PhDs had been guided and awarded.