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Demystifying ESG Investing

Demystifying ESG Investing

Albertian Centre for Human Resource Development and Research, St. Albert’s College Autonomous is organizing Albertian Knowledge Webinar Series 2020 (AKWS2020) Please register online and participate in the webinar to receive eCertificate. There is no registration fee for the webinar.

28th Webinar of the series is on “Demystifying ESG Investing” by Dr. Erik P.M. Vermeulen, Professor of Business and Financial Law, & Director, International Business Law program Tilburg University, Netherlands on Thursday the 2nd July 2020 3.30 pm to 04.30 pm IST. For more information contact Prof. Shine Antony +91-9895403578 | hrdr@alberts.edu.in | Dean, Training and Development, St. Albert’s College (Autonomous)

Please enter your name as in the government records

Registered participants will receive the webinar invitation 15 minutes prior to the webinar (Thursday 2nd July 3.15 pm) in the registered email id. All the participants are requested to check the email on Thursday by 3.15 pm and join the Webinar before 3.30 pm. No one will be admitted after 3.30 pm. There is no registration fee for the webinar. eCertificate will be emailed only to the registered email id

#albertianknowldgewebinarseries #akws2020 #stayhome #staysafe

About Erik P.M. Vermeulen
Dr. Erik P.M. Vermeulen serves as the Professor of Business and Financial Law and the Director of the International Business Law program at Tilburg University in The Netherlands. He teaches business organizations and governance, law and technology, and business innovation and finance at Tilburg Law School, TIAS School for Business and Society, and at other universities around the world. He also offers classes specifically tailored to online audiences. He is a familiar face in the international academic platforms and had featured in numerous conferences as a featured or keynote speaker. He is also the Senior Legal Counsel at Signify (formerly known as Philips Lighting) and works on corporate matters, mergers & acquisitions, and reorganizations. He is also an Innovation Advisor at a law firm (Pels Rijcken) in The Hague (focusing on digital transformation), and a board/advisory member of several companies/organizations, including a healthcare provider in The Netherlands. Dr. Erick regularly serves as an expert advisor to international organizations, such as the European Commission, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations, the World Bank, the Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia, and national and local governments around the world. He is also a co-owner of a Michelin star restaurant in The Netherlands.