Our Programs

UN75 – S4

#UN75 – Investing in Health for an Equitable Future

Good health is a fundamental human right and a pillar of economic opportunity, yet for too many people around the world, it is elusive. While significant strides have been made, such as in increasing life expectancy, progress has been unjustly uneven. Today, we are at a sticking point – those within reach have realized the benefits of evolving technologies and care in health, yet the global community is struggling to reach the most vulnerable among us. The maternal mortality ratio, the proportion of mothers that do not survive childbirth compared to those who do, in developing regions is still 14 times higher than in the developed regions. Health service coverage is also lower among women living in poverty and in rural areas. The pandemic preparedness and ways to tackle it is also the question of the hour. To reach the targets of SDG 3, “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” by 2030 we must all accelerate progress today.

#UN75 – S4 Session will focus on Investing in Health for an Equitable Future. This will be a dialogue by the students all around the world. Request you to email a short video (speech) 10 minutes duration on “Investing in Health for an Equitable Future” on or before Saturday 15th August 2020 as attachment or Google drive link to [email protected] 

The best 10 will be selected to present the live final round on 17th July 2020. In the finale, there will be three rounds: First Round will be the Presentation Round where each participant will get 8 to 10 minutes time for presenting the UN75 topic on New Era of Conflict and Violence. The Second Round will be Deliberation Round of 20 to 30 minutes. All the selected participants can engage in deliberations and there is no specific time for each participant. I request everyone to complement and supplement fellow participants. And request everyone to be gentle and keep the decorum. The Third Round will be Call for Action Round where each participant will get 2 to 5 minutes to conclude each one’s presentation and share the final message for action or to be a role model.