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Young Entrepreneurs Talk”–(YET)International Webinar series on Entrepreneurship Session-VI

Young Entrepreneurs Talk”–(YET)International Webinar series on Entrepreneurship Session-VI

Young Entrepreneurs Talk”–(YET)International Webinar series on Entrepreneurship Session-VI

Speaker: Giju George Promoter – Director in Mi dairy innovations Private Limited
Topic: Business that leaves Foot prints   
Date: 14th October 2020

Department of Business Administration in association with the Albertian incubation centre and Institution innovation council & IEDC is organising a series of webinar on entrepreneurship

About the speaker

Giju George
Mr. Giju George has over a decade of experience in Marketing & Business Development in IT services, retailing and education. His passion for community development and training has led to his involvement in rehabilitative counselling focused on re-purposing struggling businesses & businessmen.
Mr. Giju George holds an engineering degree and a Master’s in Business Administration. He is currently a Promoter – Director in Mi dairy innovations Private Limited, an organization that has its purpose in empowering the farmer in India that would result in a profitable dairy & farming industry, which in turn would ensure fresh and clean farm products to the end consumer.
Mi dairy innovations, constructs dairy farms, manufactures & trades in Veterinary and plant supplements under the brand name “Jumbo green”, manufactures milk vending machines, supplies farm management software under the brand name “CowMoo” & is on the verge of releasing a Home delivery app that can be owned by Farmers to sell their produce to the end consumer.

For Further information please contact
Asst.Prof.Akhila Lal -9995519681
Asst.Prof.Nivedh Eustace-7034146912